
Hello Beautiful Soul!

Welcome to Carole Demarest Coaching and Healing!

I am a Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Reiki Master Teacher, Psychic Medium, and Intuitive Energy Healer. I offer support and energy healing for those looking for a deeper connection with their spiritual selves and help others tap into their innate intuitive and energy healing abilities.

I find such joy in supporting others release energies that no longer serve them through energy healing practices and helping others reconnect with their own natural intuitive gifts and inner guidance.

I truly believe that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Because we are spiritual, energetic beings, we have the innate ability to shift energy through our intention and connection. By setting clear intentions that we mutually agree upon and connecting with your energy, I am able to use my intuitive gifts while channeling Reiki, to help your energy shift in a way that is in alignment with your best and highest good. 

I have studied various forms of energy healing including Usui Reiki, Angel Reiki™ with Julie Jancius, Lightarian Reiki, as well as Intuitive Energy Healing.  It is from my years of study that I created my own course of Intuitive Reiki which fuses channeling healing Reiki energy while bringing forth intuitive messages, as well as messages from angels, guides and loved ones. 

I also co-lead a Facebook Group for Spiritual Growth and Healing for women. If you are a woman looking to connect with like-minded individuals on their spiritual path, click on the link to join this free group.

I have always felt drawn to spiritual work, but it wasn't until I was going through a difficult period in my life, that I decided to try Reiki as a way to help ease my stress levels. That first Reiki session woke up a desire to learn energy healing and started me on my own spiritual path.

Over the past years, my intuition and spiritual gifts have grown. I now have a strong desire to work with others in order to help them improve their own intuition, personal strength, and well-being through the use of coaching, energy healing modalities and mediumship.

Feel free to check out my 1:1 offerings, free meditations and Intuitive Reiki certification program. The program information can be found HERE. If you have any questions for me, feel free to reach out at caroledemarestcoaching@gmail.com

Sending you much love! ðŸ’–


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